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Channa Masala


Protein-rich chickpeas with black pepper & nigella seeds.

As ”Channa” means chickpeas and ”Masala” is the name of the countless spice blends sold on the market or made in the Indian households, Channa Masala can roughly be boiled down to meaning “spicy chickpeas”.

“This is a classic Indian ‘everyday-dish’ – and what you would might even call ‘street food’”, explains Bindia’s founder and head chef. “One of my clearest memories was a guy just outside our school with a giant pot of chickpeas and nan-bread. That was my lunch all through my teenage years.”

Chickpeas are eaten all over the globe, probably due to their nutrient-dense nature. They contain, among other things, lots of fibers, minerals, iron, and phosphorus. By also being rich in protein, it’s quite understandable that chickpeas are a highly favored food among vegetarians and vegans.

”Channa Masala is extremely popularized among street vendors in India”, our head chef explains. “It is sold at stalls, street kitchens, and even by sellers boarding buses – and typically in a small newspaper cone with a squeeze of fresh lime on top.”

“I’ve been served Channa Masala too many times to even consider and in very different places all around India. As a consequence, I’ve developed my own recipe of what Channa Masala tastes like when it’s at its best. We use exciting spices like nigella seeds in the right combination and order, which really balances this dish – or snack, if you like.”

Bindia’s Channa Masala is a classic Indian street food refined to meet the Bindia standards.

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