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Aloo Gobi


Spicy pan-fried potatoes with cauliflower.

As with so many other Indian dishes, the name “Aloo Gobi” refers to the main ingredients potato (aloo) and cauliflower (gobi) in this well-known vegetarian dish, which often functions as a side dish at larger meals.

Even though this dish can be made in several different ways, the sight of the yellowish cauliflower is a very characteristic giveaway for Aloo Gobi, which gets its characteristic color from turmeric, which also causes the coloring of the most common curry powders.

This is a meat-free dish that has become especially popular in Pakistan and India, and Bindia’s version of Aloo Gobi is served as a vegan-friendly dish.

Bindia’s version of Aloo Gobi is served as a vegan-friendly dish and besides the pan-fried potatoes and cauliflower, we have perfected a tempering of cumin and various seeds with chili and coriander

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