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A South Indian tradition and a North Indian curry.

Though ”Platter” is English, it is here a reference to the South Indian tradition of serving a larger plate (a so-called “thali”) with various smaller dishes. The South Indian kitchen is generally much simpler than the one(s) in Northern India, and it’s therefore customary to serve a larger platter with plenty of simple dishes. Bindia’s Platters are inspired by this South Indian custom.

In Northern India where Bindia’s founder and head chef is from, it is inversely commonplace to invite your guests for something more like a buffet, where all the food is placed in the middle of the table with everyone sitting around it, taking whatever, they want to. ”This is a luxury and a tradition, which surprises a few Westerners”, the head chef admits. Bindia’s Platters are therefore a way to collect a few different things on one plate to make it more simple, cheap, and easier to understand for the Western guest.

On our Platter we serve our famous Butter curry with aromatic basmati rice and protein source of your own choice. Ever since we opened in 2003, the Butter has been our most popular curry.

During its creation, our Butter curry goes through four different temperings and we even use a lot of spices you won’t find in a Butter curry elsewhere.

We use a total of 23 different ingredients in this customer favorite: all the way from the base of the curry consisting of just tomatoes, ginger, and garlic, to the more surprising contents like poppy seeds and licorice root.

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